How we eat and what we eat is foundational to who we are, it defines us.
Words about food, c’mon! Ancient books are so full of knowledge it would take more than a lifetime to learn about all the wonderful things that grow on this blue ball we all live on.
I hope you’ll engage and together we can explore the infinite possibilities… all written down in the form of recipes.

Roasted Dandelion Root Coffee
From Medicinal Perennials Here’s a recipe from Dan Jason for the best coffee substitute going: Dig up Dandelion roots after the plants have gone to

Halloween Muffin-Tin Snack Tray
from More, Please! Halloween night can be bustling with energy and excitement, and sometimes, a simple, no-fuss platter dinner is what’s called for. Make it

The Doctor’s Carrot Cake
from Nourished Dr. MacNamara talks about carrot cake on page 102 of her book and thought you’d like to try her recipe for this delectable

Boulevardier & Harvest Moon
from The Newfoundland & Labrador Cocktail Book Boulevardier A classic and a simple twist on a Negroni to create a lovely fall and winter version.

Rabbit with Mustard Sauce
from Always Hungry To this day, whenever someone asks me what my favourite dish of all time is, this is the one I choose. I

Nada’s Turkey Soup from Scratch
from Almost a Full Moon My kids roll their eyes when I insist on saving the carcass from the turkey (or any other poultry) but

Turkey Wreath
from Love Without Measure If you find you just can’t have any more turkey from that Thanksgiving dinner, then you need to make this delicious

Pan Fried Cod Tongues
from Speaking in Cod Tongues From Bonita’s Kitchen: These delicious cod tongues remind me of years ago when my Dad would fry them in his

Claire’s Couscous-Stuffed Roasted Chicken with Green Olive Salsa
from Whitewater Cooks: Together Again Clairence, as I like to affectionately call her, is the best cook and baker and lover of making life so

5-Ingredient Pumpkin Cake
from Food Styling This Pumpkin Cake is super quick and easy. It only has 5 ingredients and no butter or oil. It is also dairy-free!

Baked Shells with Spinach and Ricotta
from Dinner Uncomplicated Any combination of spinach and ricotta is a hit with me. Stuff it into tortellini, calzones, even an omelette and I’ll dig

Bacon Wrapped Scallops with an Orange Maple Glaze
from Wabanaki Maple This maple syrup recipe is inspired by Andy’s East Coast Kitchen! Andy’s recipe looked so amazing we thought we’d try it with

Carole’s Famous Carrot Cake with Creamed Cheese and Candied Orange Frosting
from In Good Company I remember there would always be tons of carrots around when growing up on the farm. They were often made into

Garlic Braised Swiss Chard
from The Fair Trade Ingredient Cookbook This recipe goes well as a base for pasta sauce or a side dish for meat or fish. I

Beer Battered Cod
from The Outcast’s Guide to Beers of Newfoundland From Bonita’s Kitchen in Newfoundland: Where do I start talking about how delicious this crispy beer battered

Baba Sophie’s Borsch and Kapustka
from Baba Sophie’s Ukrainian Cookbook Cabbage will soon be plentiful and both recipes can be frozen to be enjoyed throughout the colder months. A true