I love cookbooks, because they are telepathic; a direct link to the minds who thought it wise to pen their experiences.
Reading recipes is exploring the past, and bringing those sights and smells into existence (and adjusting to suit the needs of my family!) is one of my core passions.
I hope you’ll find my book reviews informative and enlightening, from my kitchen to yours!

Outdoor Cooking from Tide’s Table
Tis the season for backyard barbecues, camp fires and eating outdoors. And if you’re tired of the same old recipes and want to try some

“Fight Fire with Food” review
I usually shy away from books that are disease-specific. That being said, many of these cookbooks also have the best healthy recipes that are fresh,

“Fiber Boost” review
Amy and I met many moons ago when she taught some classes at the cooking school I was running. We were just on the cusp

“A Real Newfoundland Scoff” review
“Liz Feltham was a freelance food writer living in Victoria BC, far in distance but near in heart to her hometown of St. John’s NL.

Steak Revolution
As we all open our back doors and step out into the sunshine, one protein that will dominate the backyard bbq will be steak. Rob

The Vegan Cook’s Bible – Book Review
While researching to launch this website, I chatted with many cookbook authors, publishers and culinary icons. This site stands on the shoulders of many people

Ste. Anne’s Everyday Recipes – Book Review
Are you entertaining friends on the back deck this summer? This book has just the right mix of healthy and delectable recipes. I served the