Grilled Chicken Kabobs and Fattoush Salad

from Cedar Valley Selections

Total Prep Time: 20 minutes 
Total Cook Time: 10-12 minutes 
Marinading Time: 3-6 hours for best taste
Servings: 4

Chicken Kabobs have to be one of the tastiest dishes there is! With the right marinade and a fresh salad, you can’t go wrong for tonight’s family dinner. 

The real flavour in this dish comes with the proper marinade. Use our Fattoush Dressing to marinade your chicken breast for a generous amount of time if you can. The longer the marinade process, the more the flavours will soak right into the chicken and give it that melt-in-your mouth tenderized meat.

Kabob Ingredients:

2 Chicken breasts

1 cup of Fattoush Dressing

2 Red onion

1 Yellow bell pepper

1 Red bell pepper

Grape/Cherry tomatoes

Sea salt


  1. Cut the chicken breast into bit-sized squares, throw them in a zip-lock baggie or container, and marinade in the Fattoush Dressing for about 3-6 hours for the most flavour. If you don’t have the time, for a quick solution at least marinade for 15 minutes. 
  1. Cut up the onion and peppers into the same size square pieces. 
  1. Soak the wooden skewers in water for 30 seconds so they don’t fray when you put the chicken and veggies on. 
  1. Next, place the ingredients onto the skewer, alternating chicken, onion, pepper, and tomato. 
  2. Season with a bit of sea salt before placing on grill. Cook your skewers for about 5-6 minutes, flip, then grill for another 5-6 minutes.

Fattoush Salad

Prep Time: 10 minutes 
Servings: 4 side salads


1/2 a head (about 6 cups) of romaine lettuce, chopped

1 cup diced cucumber

1 cup diced tomatoes

1 1/2 cups of diced bell peppers (orange, red, and yellow)

1 green onion, chopped (about 1/4 cup)

3/4 cup of Cedar Valley Selections Fattoush Dressing

1 cup crushed Cedar Valley Selections Pita Chips


  1. Cut/dice all vegetables and place into one bowl (make sure to dry your lettuce!). 
  2. Add your Cedar Valley Selections Fattoush Dressing and mix well. 
  3. Once ready to serve, top with crushed Cedar Valley Selections Pita Chips, mix, and enjoy!

Content and images used with permission by Cedar Valley Selections.

Nada’s Tips & Tricks: A healthy and flavourful duo – we cooked the kabobs in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes.  Missed the grill marks but the marinade made the meat tasty.  Paired the kabobs and salad with roasted root vegetables and it made the perfect winter meal.