We met the author and photographer in a previous review for The Olive Oil and Vinegar Lover’s Cookbook at https://canadiancookbooks.ca/the-olive-oil-vinegar-lovers-cookbook-2/ – now we get to explore the Maritime provinces through the eyes of an accomplished chef and a world renowned photographer. Author Emily Lycopolus has written seven cookbooks and is a level 2 olive oil sommelier while contributing to the culinary world through recipe development and teaching. Check her out at https://oliveoilcritic.com/ Photographer DL Acken has over 20 years experience in her repertoire including branding, portraits and the food industry. You can find her work at https://www.dlackenphotography.com/

A Rising Tide is separated into four sections: Nova Scotia, PEI, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland & Labrador. Emily walks us through not only the quintessential seafood recipes but also the land products that are unique to each province. You’ll be curious to read about Moose Balls with Partridgeberry BBQ Sauce, Bee Balm Poached Peaches, Saltwater Brined Beef with Black Garlic Tapenade, or Pickled Garlic Scapes.

Thankfully, Emily provides a substitute guide for those uniquely down east ingredients that most of us can’t find in our local stores. She also gives us some background to foods that have their own story like Landing Lobster, Hunting Moose, Gathering Dulce, and Dealing Dairy.

The ingredient I was most intrigued with was the fiddlehead. When I saw it in my local grocer’s produce section last spring, I had to try it. If you like asparagus or artichokes, the texture and taste of fiddleheads will give you the same spring flavour profile. The ostrich fern, also known as fiddlehead fern, got its name because of the large leaves resembling ostrich plumes. In Canada, you can find it in parts of all provinces and territories, most abundantly in New Brunswick, southern Québec and southern Ontario…look in flood plains or near rivers or streams, forests and marshes.

Emily provides us with Fiddlehead Fritters with Golden Yogurt in our Recipe section. Served along with the dip, these bites are scrumptious with a crisp salad and glass of wine – the perfect spring lunch!

To purchase a copy of the book, go to https://oliveoilcritic.com/product/a-rising-tide/ – to enter and win this amazing cookbook, check out our Giveaway section.
Excerpted from A Rising Tide by DL Acken and Emily Lycopolus. Copyright © 2021 DL Acken and Emily Lycopolus. Published by Appetite by Random House®, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved. https://oliveoilcritic.com/product/a-rising-tide/