“Liz Feltham was a freelance food writer living in Victoria BC, far in distance but near in heart to her hometown of St. John’s NL. She turned her passion for cooking into a professional culinary career, earning her red seal certification before picking up the pen to serve as the food critic for the Coast, Halifax’s independent weekly newspaper, a post she held for nearly a decade.”
Liz was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) in June 2016, and passed away in October of 2018. I worked with the ALS community for over 4
years and can attest to the tenacity and spirit of not only the clients but their care giving teams. Liz wrote about the food world but also her journey with ALS – a testament to her writing skills and passion. June is ALS Awareness Month – for more information and to support people living with ALS, go to www.als.ca or connect with your provincial ALS society.

A Real Newfoundland Scoff was one of the projects Liz was proud to produce. She gives colourful explanations for each chapter with recipes that would inspire all of us to take a trip to Newfoundland and try them for ourselves. Unfortunately, many ingredients in these recipes are not easily attainable on the mainland, but one can substitute similar tasting foods. I know my local grocer doesn’t carry cod tongue or seal flipper… alas I’ll have to wait for a visit to the island to try these interesting dishes.
Order your own copy of the book at https://nimbus.ca/store/a-real- newfoundland-scoff.html
And head over to our giveaway section to win your very own copy!
Screech is the quintessential drink of choice in Newfoundland so the recipe you’ll find in the recipe section incorporates this rum-like ingredient into a chocolate cake…who knew? Liz did…and she also included it in her Rattlin’ Bog concoction – we feature it in our Recipe tab… check it out and enjoy!
Reprinted with permission from Nimbus Publishing. From A Real Newfoundland Scoff by Liz Feltham ©2015

And what goes better with cake but a great cup of coffee. The owners of Rampage Coffee Co. – Dustin and Lauren – were tired of the same old, stale coffee that they were drinking. Being extremely busy entrepreneurs, and new parents, they wanted coffee that was healthy and would give them that extra boost they needed to keep grinding out their long days.

In the search for strong and smooth coffee, trying numerous different coffee brands with no luck, they decided to step in and start a new STRONG & SMOOTH COFFEE REGIME in Canada. They began their roasting journey, and after months of R & D and hundreds of cups of coffee later the team finally crafted the perfect strong but smooth coffee blend that they were looking for. Micro batch roasting specific varieties of coffee and carefully blending them together was the answer! The perfect blends were born and branded as Rampage Coffee Co. the only coffee strong enough to start a RIOT but smooth enough to want more!
Join their coffee rampage and feel the difference! Go to https://rampagecoffee.com/
Rampage Coffee Co. is proudly owned and operated in Saskatoon, SK in Canada. To win a gift box of coffee and accessories, check out our giveaway page!