“While shepherds watched their flocks by night” is a lovely carol at this time of year and makes for the perfect segue to Barbara McLean’s Shepherd’s Sight: A Farming Life, an evocative, deeply personal glimpse into the joys and challenges of rural living. Through poetic prose and vivid storytelling, McLean chronicles her life as a shepherd on a farm in Ontario, blending reflections on her connection to the land, the nuances of animal husbandry, and the unrelenting cycle of nature.

The memoir is a celebration of simplicity and resilience. McLean’s narrative is imbued with a profound sense of place, bringing readers into the heart of her farm. Her vivid descriptions of frosty mornings, lambing seasons, and the intricacies of managing a flock of Border Leicester sheep create a sensory experience. You can almost feel the cold bite of winter, hear the bleats of newborn lambs, and smell the earthy aroma of the barn.

What is unique about Shepherd’s Sight is McLean’s ability to weave personal insights into broader themes of humanity’s connection to the environment. The book delves into the intimate relationships between farmers and their animals, highlighting the delicate balance between care and pragmatism. Her reflections are both tender and unsentimental, capturing the reality of farm life—the triumphs, the losses, and the unending toil. Take a peek at the workings of the farm in this TVO video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35UYD4Uowsc

McLean’s prose is lyrical yet accessible, making the book a pleasure to read. Her writing invites readers into her world, even if they’ve never set foot on a farm. For urban dwellers, it’s a chance to glimpse a life that is increasingly rare yet profoundly meaningful. Barbara provides us with a glimpse into her kitchen with her Simmered Moroccan Lamb found in our Recipe section. Easy, hearty and flavourful…everything you want in a winter’s meal.

Shepherd’s Sight is more than a memoir; it’s a meditation on perseverance, stewardship, and the beauty of life’s cycles. Whether you’re a farming enthusiast or a lover of heartfelt narratives, this book is sure to leave an impression. A must-read for anyone yearning for a deeper connection to nature and life’s fundamental rhythms. Purchase the book at https://ecwpress.com/products/shepherds-sight or win a copy in our Giveaway section.
Contents and images used with permission by ECW Press. https://ecwpress.com/products/shepherds-sight