Jane Reid’s Freshly Picked: A Locavore’s Love Affair with BC’s Bounty is a delightful culinary journey through the rich and diverse landscape of British Columbia. This book is a celebration of local, seasonal produce, and the vibrant food culture that makes BC a gastronomic haven.

Reid’s passion for locavorism—eating food grown and produced locally—is evident in every page. She meticulously documents her experiences visiting farmers, foragers, and chefs, weaving their stories with her own adventures in the fields, forests, and markets of BC. Her narrative is both informative and engaging, offering readers a deep dive into the province’s agricultural heritage and the contemporary movement towards sustainable, local eating.

The book is beautifully organized by seasons, making it a practical guide for anyone looking to incorporate more local produce into their diet year-round. Each section is filled with stunning photographs that capture the beauty of BC’s landscapes and the bounty of its farms. Reid includes a variety of recipes that showcase the versatility and flavor of local ingredients, from spring’s tender asparagus to autumn’s hearty root vegetables. These recipes are approachable yet sophisticated, encouraging both novice and experienced cooks to experiment with fresh, local ingredients.

I grew up on a farm with acres of cucumbers so sharing Reid’s Bread-and-Butter Refrigerator Pickles in our Recipe section was an easy choice. Easier than the traditional canning method, this version of pickles is tasty and will be appreciated at your next barbecue party!
What sets Freshly Picked apart is Reid’s ability to connect readers with the people behind the food. Through her vivid storytelling, we meet passionate farmers who are dedicated to their craft, innovative chefs who are redefining local cuisine, and resilient foragers who uncover hidden edible treasures in the wild. These personal stories add depth and context to the locavore movement, illustrating its impact on both the community and the environment. Purchase a copy of this book at https://caitlinpress.com/Books/F/Freshly-Picked or enter to win it in our Giveaway section.

Freshly Picked: A Locavore’s Love Affair with BC’s Bounty is an ode to British Columbia’s natural abundance and the people who bring it to our tables. Jane Reid has created a compelling case for eating locally, seasonally, and sustainably, making this book a must-read for food enthusiasts and environmental advocates alike.
Excerpted from ‘Freshly Picked: A Locavore’s Love Affair with BC’s Bounty’ by Jane Reid. Copyright © 2018 Jane Reid. Published by Caitlin Press. Reproduced by arrangement with the publisher. All rights reserved. https://caitlinpress.com/Books/F/Freshly-Picked